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Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock záběr

BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014

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BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur, Nepal in April 2014
Durbar square Bhaktapuru — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur, Nepal in April 2014
Durbar square Bhaktapuru — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur, Nepal in April 2014
Durbar square Bhaktapuru — Stock video
BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
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BHAKTAPUR, NEPAL - CIRCA APRIL 2014: People at the famous Durbar Square of Bhaktapur in Nepal in April 2014
Lidé na slavné náměstí Durbar — Stock video
AGRA, INDIA - CIRCA MAY 2014: Tourists visit the Agra Fort. The Agra Fort is about 2.5 km northwest of its more famous sister monument, the Taj Mahal.
Turisté navštěvují Agra Fort. — Stock video
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